Danny, the kids and I made a foray into the Inner Harbor to have some fun. Danny and I really worked those dragon paddle boats. We were both all sore and sweaty by the time that we paddled ashore (although, not surprisingly, the kids who were only marginally helping paddle were fresh and energetic).

We ran into a friendly puffin who was much more willing to pose for a picture than Joseph was.

We took our usual tour of the Torsk. Red alert!

Yeah, that's right. Your mom is such a badass that she has an engine named after her.

Nappy boy strikes again.

Finally, a happy family picture, and I'm not in it.

We had lunch at our usual lunching spot, and then did a little shopping. I went to Filene's Basement and found NOTHING. Danny and the kids went to Best Buy where they also found NOTHING. We rounded out the day by going to IKEA where we again found NOTHING.
When we got home, Grandma Martha was a very good sport and read Joseph one of his dreadful PowerPuff Girls books from the library.

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