Once upon a time, the little red hen was team teaching a class. "Who will help me write the syllabus--the class starts in two weeks?" she asked peckishly. "Not I," said her slacker colleague, "I am too busy doing fieldwork." So she wrote the syllabus. "Who will help me plan the labs so that we can meet with our TA?" cackled the hen. "Not I, brayed her lazy ass colleague, "I forgot. And then I forgot again." So the little red hen planned the labs. "Who will help me get the textbooks, reserve the rooms, put in an order to load the software on the lab computers, get the room key, the media cord, the iCampus registration and the Blackboard site?" she squawked. "What? I can't hear you. Also, I am busy writing a very important talk for a very important international meeting that--Oh yeah--you are also presenting at," the ass shamelessly replied. So the little red hen did these various and sundry tasks.

The little red hen is a little pissed off. When she starts teaching next week, she will have the satisfaction of not crashing and burning. However, she will be forced to consider that her slacker colleague will have gotten several weeks of research done leading to more publications for him and less for her. And when it comes time to apply for jobs, an ass with more publications beats a responsible hen any day of the week.

Stupid lazy ass.
That ass is stupid. And lazy.
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