This week I have been at the International Society for Behavioral Ecology meeting at Cornell University. I had a great time, too. Really, these academic meetings are the closest thing to a vacation that I get. (Believe me, taking kids on vacation is not a vacation for the parents!!) At these meetings I get to catch up on my sleep, my drinking and recent developments in animal behavior all at the same time!

I met up with old friends, including Gita, Robin and Nathan and Tracie, and met plenty of new people.

The talks were great, and my poster was received well.

Other random highlights: I had a nice chat with Malte Andersson--he was a very pleasant guy who also likes running. I also met Amotz Zahavi, who turned out to be exceedingly charming and kind of an old horndog. Everywhere Zahavi went, he was surrounded by beatific young female grad students hanging on his every word.

The food was excellent and the dining was very well organized--apparently Cornell has a culinary school as well as a school of hotel management. We also had a few nice meals in Ithaca (Mexican food, Thai food, Indian food and Mediterranean food) which were quite good). I was able to run most days, although Ithaca is really hilly, so I probably got more exercise than I intended.

When I got home, Joseph had drawn this giant poster-sized welcome home card:

Wow, that is a dramatic welcome home card, what with the flaming heart dropping out and all. Joseph must have been miserable without you!
PS did you meet my psychotic advisor? he was at the same conference, apparently.
Hi Kim,
I did see him ("Estebomb?"). I didn't go out of my way to talk to him, though.
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