We all went to the 3rd Sunday Market for the second time--this time I remembered to bring a camera! Sam and I took loads of pictures. I will post some on my blog and some on his. Sam really has his own perspective on subject matter and composition, so I recommend checking out his blog, too.
As I have mentioned, the 3rd Sunday Market has seriously cool vintage. My favorites are melamine dishware and Bakelite jewelry.

My Bakelite pusher wasn't there this month, but there were still quite a few pieces of Bakelite jewelry for sale.

It looks like most of the wares are cherry-picked from old farmhouses around the midwest. I have seen old 40's-50's technology here that I never knew existed, like non-electric calculators and various specialized kitchen implements. There are also more modern vintage machines like chrome hairdriers, typewriters, and cool (dangerous) old toys.

Ooooh--I want it!

WTF? Are there any shells left in the ocean after some insane crafter did this?

Hi Kim--I recall that you like the aluminum?

There is also a hint of the seamier side of midwestern farm life: vintage cartoon porn!

Also, there was a startlingly diverse array of "Black Americana" as it is euphemistically called. I have never seen this kind of thing in vintage stores--only in museums documenting the history of racism in America. I am not entirely sure how to read it. Who collects these things--racists or people trying to make sure that past racial prejudices are not forgotten?

On the way home, we passed this historic arch:

Next summer I am definitely coming to Normal on a third Tuesday, that market is awesome! I think I finally parted with my grandmother's melamine dishes when we left California at my husband's insistence. I am filled with regret.
Lovely aluminum...!
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