The closest to Normal (Illinois) that I've ever been.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy Casimir Pulaski Day

This is the last straw: for the last two weeks, one kid and then the other has had a day off from school because of a teacher work day, and Monday, BOTH kids have the day off for Casimir Pulaski Day. Who the hell is Casimir Pulaski? When I asked that of Joseph's teacher, she was shocked at my ignorance of important Polish war heroes. According to Wikipedia, Pulaski was a Revolutionary War hero known for his contributions to the US military for training its soldiers and cavalry.
I don't know how people with kids are supposed to get any work done. I have noticed that "day care" is a dirty word around here, and even people who use it pretend that it is some kind of special educational/social enrichment. Clearly, there is supposed to be a mother quietly sitting at the kitchen table with crossed hands waiting for these random days off to take care of the kids. If Danny didn't work at home, we would be in pretty bad trouble. However, all these days off make it hard for Danny to work, and he has to work nights and/or weekends to get everything done.


Beth said...

Growing up just over the Illinois border in Wisconsin, I always envied all of the children on the other side of the state-line their day off. Good old Casimir Pulaski.

Susan said...

It seems like people around here agree with you about good old Pulaski. Only public school kids have the day off today, but when I mentioned Casimir Pulaski Day to people at ISU, they recalled it fondly.

Anonymous said...

What the H? Can I have a day off in September for Susan Gershman day? As long as we're having days off for war heroes...