After leaving Baltimore, we spent a few days on Staten Island with Danny's family. Danny's brother Mike was getting married, so there was a great deal of activity and we got to spend a few days at the house by ourselves. (On the plus side, the many small dogs were boarded so Danny and I got more sleep than we usually do.)
Without Joe and Marie in the house, there was a mad scramble for the best chair in the TV room.

We amused ourselves with various activities, including a visit to the Staten Island Zoo.

We also took the SI Ferry to meet Aunt Alyn at the South Street Seaport in Manhattan.

Joseph was super-crabby and unfocused and had many meltdowns. It was rather a long and eventful road trip overall, and I think that Joseph hit his low point on this particular day.

There was this sculpture that looked like a less cool Millennium Park Bean. On the way home a bunch of models and fashion photographers were doing a photo shoot there, much to the annoyance of the kids.

Our main goal in going to the Seaport was to see the historic ships. Although the price was right ($5), the ships were kind of lame compared to the ships in Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

There was a dude ("Brendan the Prettygood") juggling things, which the kids enjoyed.