Tonight we made another recipe from the kids' favorite cook book Roald Dahl's Revolting Recipes: Mr. Twit's Beard Food. The head was made of mashed potatoes, with hamburger, veggies, and potato sticks for the hair and beard. The eyes were made of hard boiled eggs and olives with a toast monobrow, olive nostrils, sausage lips, cereal teeth, and potato chip ears. I cooked up the components and the kids had a great time putting it together.

The final product!

It was actually pretty good!

You can come cook for me any time!That's awesome!
hi susan, this is george(Ami's dad)just wanted to let you know that we are going to be down friday evening and plan on spending time at the dogpark probably around 7-730, anyway we would love to see you guys,
Thanks Kim!
Hi George, Argos and I will try to be there. Welcome back!
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