Apparently, although the kids like our current house, they have some suggestions for the future. Sam has designed a space house more suited to his needs. His place has a habitat room which allows for an outdoor experience without actually going outside. There are some serious security robots that prevent robberies (Of course, nothing deters burglars like having a house full of worthless crap and a 112-lb dog). The security robots also wrangle errant children into bed at night.

Joseph designed his ideal bedroom (what his ROM SHOD LOC LAC). Features include a lion mask (LIEN MASC), a red light saber from Star Wars (RAD LAYT SYBR SODWSLA) and plenty of robots. Sam is saying "Whee!" (WCY) while riding a slide to the IKEA Småland playroom. Joseph is in the lower right corner holding checkers cards in his hands.

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.
OK those are some creepy comments there. Well, only creepy because of the sender... who is likely a robot... like in your son's picture.
I love your kid art! Thanks for showing us. Sam is quite the little artist - great eye for detail and a realistic ability to show human bodies in peril. I like the robot reigning in the naughty child.
Oops if I was a robot I would have realized that I misspelled reign and meant to say rein.
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