With a foot of snow on the ground, I was really psyched to take the kids sledding. Sam has been sledding once at Big Bear in CA, but Joseph has never been. Saturday we went sledding on a small hill near us. Joseph was highly resistant to the whole idea, and was very disagreeable getting to the park. (Does this sound familiar?) At the park Joseph refused to sled, but had a good time playing a game of his own invention in which he hurled his velociraptor into a snowdrift, admired the shape of the hole in the snow, and then found the dinosaur.

After about 40 minutes, Joseph suddenly announced that he wanted a turn sledding, and he had a great time. Sam loves sledding and enjoyed himself greatly.

Sam assists me in sledding without a sled

Danny says that sledding is A-OK.

Sunday, we went to Jersey Hill, which is the main sledding spot in town, and the kids had a great time. Joseph was giggling all the way down the hill, even as he ran into obstacles and bowled people over.

Sam is a sledding pro, and beats all of us for speed and distance.

I am happy to say that both kids carried their own sleds uphill.

Danny and I finally found a babysitter, so we went on our first date in Normal. For weeks I have been asking everyone for restaurant and entertainment recommendations, but have heard only mediocre reviews. Oddly enough, Bloomington-Normal has a freakishly high ratio of restaurants to people, yet none of them are good. (For a good laugh, read the review of the faux-French restaurant with commentary by David Sedaris.) We ended up at "Jim's Steakhouse," and had an expensive meal in a reasonably ambient restaurant with OK food and a piano bar. We were the youngest people in the place, for sure. We could not find anything (other than a movie) to do in town, so we went to a grad student Mardi Gras party where we played drinking games.

What have I learned from this experience? It is not as though I don't want to grow up and be an adult, but why are the grown-up options so boring? So, don't forget to take a Tylenol and drink a lot of water before you go to sleep. I can't but think that we would have been better off to forget dinner and entertainment and just check into a hotel room for four hours so that we could participate in marital relations whilst we were looking our best and more awake than usual.
As I am siting here, I am experiencing a weather first for me. Although it is only 20 degrees outside, we are having a full blown hailstorm with thunder and lightning. I had to come home early from the dog park where Argos was playing with his friend Jerry Seinfeld the Vizsla. The storm caused some local residents to have their power go out in the middle of the super bowl.

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