We took the kids to the Gamma Phi circus, one of only two collegiate circuses in the US. The amateur quality of the circus made the show both more boring and more exciting. There were many interminable groan-worthy performances (Not so much into the Russian bar, the Lyric hoops, or the unicycles). However, seeing so many professional circuses makes one forget how difficult and dangerous circus acrobatics are. There were many dramatic bobbles and many performers fell and otherwise crashed and burned.
The finale was a guest appearance by Tony Steele a 71-year old professional trapeze artist. The "catcher" ended up dropping a few students, including one that ended up getting hurled into one of the side nets. We were all at the edges of our seats hoping that he wouldn't crack the old guy's head open. Luckily, he did not.
Tony Steele, the world's oldest functioning trapeze artist

The show was nearly three hours long and Joseph fell asleep. Also, the drunk undergrad in the seat ahead of us was threatening toward us because Sam was absently kicking his seat. But otherwise the kids had a great time.

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